Princess Ashley Kroeker

Hey everyone! This is Ashley Kroeker's blog site. We are excited to be able to keep everyone who is supporting and praying for Ashley up-to-date. We are thankful for all of your prayers, love, and concern. We love you all, Tad & Jenny, Megan & Cade Kroeker.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007


PRAISE GOD!! Ashley got her chemo today!!! YEAH! Her counts were the highest they have been since early December. Her ANC was 1300, which qualified her to get her AMD chemo. Now she is down to only one more chemo left, scheduled for 3 weeks from today.

These last few weeks have been a roller coaster ride with our emotions. Now, we have finally jumped over a challenging hurdle and look forward to the finish line. There are still some very important prayer requests for Ashley.
1. Pray that Ashley's body will stay strong and that the side effects from the chemo will be minimal.
2. Pray that God will protect Ashley's organs from the chemo, but that any cancer cells would be rid from her body.
3. Pray that God will continue to shield Ashley from any illnesses or infections.
4. Praise God for how He brought us peace and comfort this last week when we really needed it. Psalm 86

Thank you for praying for Ashley and our family.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Maybe Next Week

Well, Ashley's counts were too low again today to get chemo. Her ANC was 740. They did give her a mild chemo (VCR), but she still has the two strong chemos left. She seems perfectly fine, and her red blood cells and hemoglobin are great.

Please continue praying for us. Ashley's counts have to go up so that she can get chemo (AMD) next week. This last mile in the marathon of treatment is sure taking it's toll. These last few days have been difficult for us because we feel like we are on a roller coaster ride. Today, we decided to get back to taking it one day at a time, and we are comforted in knowing that God is in control and we trust Him fully.

Pray for Ashley's counts, her health, our health, and our endurance.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

No Chemo Today

Ashley is still feeling good and full of energy and smiles!!!

Well, Ashley didn't get her chemo today. We are feeling pretty bummed about it, too. It's so strange how she can look so great and feel so great and have low counts. The doctor said that she is probably battling a virus and that is why her counts are low. Since I had a cold last week and Megan is fighting one now, that is probably the case. Her ANC today was 792. The doctors want it to be around 900-1000.

So, please pray for us. Pray that we stay healthy, that we keep our hopes up, and that we don't forget God's goodness to us. We are so grateful that God has protected Ashley (and our 3 year old Cade) from all of the viruses that they have been exposed to these last 6 months. Neither of them have been sick at all since we started treatment. We thank God for walking with us through this and giving us peace. We are learning to fully rely on God. We also know that it is amazing that Ashley has not had any infections or fevers during her treatments and it is God who has kept her well.

Thanks for remembering us in your prayers!
Pray that Ashley's counts will go up for next week's chemo and that she continues to stay well by the power of our God. Nothing is impossible for Him.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Lookin' Good!

Another week closer to Ashley's next chemo. Her counts today were higher than we expected. They were 750. She is still feelin' good and lookin' good. Ashley continues to have lots of energy. She has even been out riding her bike since the weather has been so nice in the afternoon.

Next Wednesday, Ashley is scheduled for chemo (AMD/VCR). If her counts are close to 1,000, her doctor will give her chemo. So please pray for Ashley's counts to go up. Also, please pray that the side effects will be minimal and that she won't be as nauseated from AMD this time.

She is a trooper. She is realizing that we are getting close to finishing treatment and is starting to talk about what she can't wait to do when she is done. She told me today that she "really wants to get this metaport out!" And that she really wants to go to the coast and walk on the beach. When she is there, she wants to "collect some beautiful shells and rocks and bring them home to put on my shelf." She also says that she would "like to go up to the snow and play." I think that spending time outdoors will be something she won't ever take for granted again.

We also have to tell you, that once again, God has shielded and protected Ashley and the rest of the family from the stomach flu that I had last week. We are overwhelmed by the power that God has and that cares so much about us.

Please pray for me (I've been fighting a cold that started Saturday!!) Also, please continue to pray that Ashley stays well and that her counts go up so that she can get chemo next week.


Saturday, January 06, 2007

Quick Update

Ashley's counts on Wednesday were higher than we thought they would be. Her ANC was 870. We have learned from how Ashley's counts have been affected by DOX-O in the past, to know that the second week after chemo is typically the lowest. (That would be next week.) So . . . please pray that her counts will spring back up for the scheduled chemo on January 17.

Also, please pray for our families' wellness. I came down with a stomach virus on Wednesday night (which is why I haven't gotten around to updating the blog until today). We are asking God to continue shielding Ashley and the rest of the family from this illness. He continues to give us strength, daily. We know that "he is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us". Eph 3:20.