Princess Ashley Kroeker

Hey everyone! This is Ashley Kroeker's blog site. We are excited to be able to keep everyone who is supporting and praying for Ashley up-to-date. We are thankful for all of your prayers, love, and concern. We love you all, Tad & Jenny, Megan & Cade Kroeker.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Feeling Good, But Tired!

As you know, Tad had a cold last week and we asked everyone to pray that Ashley wouldn't get sick because she had such low counts. Again we thank God for his protection. Ashley didn't catch Tad's cold!!!! (and no one else in our house did either!) Now in a family of 5 people, it is a rare occasion when only one of us gets sick and the rest stay well. PRAISE GOD!!

On Wednesday, Ashley went in to the clinic for her regular bloodwork and to get another treatment of a milder chemo (VCR). Her WBC (white blood cell) count came back up to 2.1 and her ANC (infection fighter count) went up to 1360. This all means that Ashley is at a lower risk of getting an infection this week. BUT . . . Ashley's RBC (red blood cell) count and hemoglobin have both gone down pretty low. The doctor said that Ashley might need a blood transfusion next Wednesday if her RBC and hemoglobin don't come back up. We have also noticed that Ashley is more tired and needs a nap almost every day. Please ask God to raise Ashley's RBC and hemoglobin this week. Also, we pray that she stays free from illness, because this could lower her RBC more. We thank God for knowing Ashley's inmost being and His ability to heal. Nothing is impossible for Him.

It has been such an encouragement to have so many people praying for Ashley. Every week we feel so much support from you in so many different ways. Again, thank you for the meals, phone calls or messages, cards, and little "surprises" you give to us. All of these things help us on our journey. We also thank God for being our strength.

Prayer requests:
That God may raise her RBC and hemoglobin this week.
That Ashley will have minimal symptoms from the strong chemo she will receive next Wednesday 9/5.
That Ashley stays healthy and illness free this week.

Praise reports:
That Ashley is feeling good!!!
That no one in our family caught Tad's cold last week!!!
For the way our friends and family have supported us. May God bless you !!!
That Ashley's WBC and ANC (infection fighters) went up this week!!!!!

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Lower Counts This Week

On Wednesday, Ashley went in for her weekly chemo (vincristine) and bloodwork. Ashley is getting better at being "poked" for her treatments in her metaport. Nurse Joan said she was very brave this time. Her white blood cell count and ANC were both very low, but this was what the doctor told us would happen after last week's DOX-O treatment. The risk of infection increases when her counts are low, so she isn't supposed to be around anyone who is sick. Unfortunately, Tad came down with a cold on Wednesday, so he has been quarantined to our bedroom. Please ask God to keep Ashley well and infection free. That He may protect her body from the bacteria that is everywhere. We are also praying that Tad's cold will be over soon. It has been difficult not having Daddy around to play with . . . which makes a long day for me (Jenny). Ask God to give Jenny extra patience and creativity on these days.

We also want to praise God for the good days we've had and for His answered prayers. In fact, we were reminded by Megan today, that Megan had been praying for a few weeks that Ashley's hair wouldn't fall out before Megan's 7th birthday party. Well, her party was tonight and Ashley still has a full head of hair. (Remember, the doctors told us that it should have fallen out last week- 3 weeks after 1st chemo treatment.) What a great reminder that God calls us to have faith like a child. God is good.

Thanks for praying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, August 21, 2006

Ashley's First Day of Home Kindergarten

Ashley is doing well! We are amazed at how well she did with the DOX-O treatment last Wednesday. Thank you, Lord!!!!!! Ashley continued to feel well all weekend, and even got to meet with her kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Koop on Friday to see the classroom. Mrs. Koop is such a blessing to us. She wants to make sure that the kids in her class know who Ashley is, even though Ashley won't always be there. Ashley feels like she is a part of that class. When she finally starts attending school regularly, the adjustment into Kindergarten should be easy. So until Ashley's counts are high enough, she will be attending school in our home. I (Jenny) will be her "Home" teacher and Mrs. Koop will come by weekly to be her school teacher. How all this worked out is such and answer to prayer.

Prayer Requests/Praise:
-Wednesday is Ashley's next chemo treatment. Pray for minimal side effects.
-That Ashley will stay healthy and free from illness/fevers.
-That Ashley's appetite will increase so she can start to gain weight.
-For Tad to balance work/home now that he started teaching again today.
-To give Jenny patience and wisdom during the days of teaching Ashley (and Cade) at home.
-PRAISE GOD for His care for Ashley. She is feeling good. She continues to take her meds on the weekends and is sleeping well too. He continues to help us as parents to find strength through Him and to take it day by day.

Thank you for continuing to pray for Ashley and our family.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Chemo Update

Praise God! Ashley has done so well yesterday and today. She has not felt sick from this strong chemo she had yesterday. Ashley felt a little bit tired today and didn't have much of an appetite, but she hasn't reacted the way most kids do on this treatment. Thank you for your prayers! Please keep praying for "little Ash". We pray that she sleeps well tonight and continues with a calm stomach tomorrow. We are so amazed at how God cares for us, hears all of our prayers, and gives us unfathomable peace.
As Pastor Totzke says . . . "Do not fear, just believe!"

We will give another update in a few days!

Monday, August 14, 2006

Next Chemo Treatment

8Ashley got a haircut today!
Thank you for continuing to uphold Ashley in prayer. She is doing very well. She finished her final radiation treatment on Friday. She has had no symptoms or side affects from it. In fact,yesterday, she went swimming for the first time since surgery and had a great time. PRAISE GOD!! Another praise is that Ashley took her antibiotics over the weekend better than last weekend. The doctor prescribed a pill form of Septra that we can grind up and mix into a spoon of ice cream, pudding, etc. That made a big difference.

Ashley's chemo plan consists of 10 weeks of chemo every Wednesday (which started on July 30), and then every other Wednesday thereafter until the 24th week. Please pray for her treatment this Wednesday morning. Ashley will be getting a very strong chemical called "DOX-O". The doctors said that it can (in rare cases) cause heart damage, so please ask God to protect her heart. It can also make her sick to her stomach and will probably cause her to lose her hair. We are asking God to rid her body of any cancer cells and also to calm her stomach this week. This treatment along with the radiation from last week, will most likely cause her blood counts to drop very low. We ask God to guard her from any colds, flu, or fever.

Thanks again to all of you who are praying for us. We know that God hears each and every prayer. God has been providing us with everything that we need. We are so grateful for that peace that passes understanding. God is good!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Radiation Is Almost Done!!!

Cade, Ashley, and Megan (Tues. Aug. 8)

Ashley has just finished day 5 of radiation, with 2 more days to go. The doctor is amazed at how well she can lay still for each treatment. We know that God is calming her (and us) and giving her peace. She listens to books on tape through earphones which she looks forward to everyday. Please continue to pray that God protects the surrounding organs from any harm. We know that He can do anything!! We also thank God that she has continued to feel good through it all. She still runs, jumps, plays, and laughs with her favorite brother (Cade) and favorite sister (Megan). We praise God for his healing hand. She has recovered from surgery very well.

We are enjoying the time we have at home and can't wait to be done with radiation appointments. We appreciate the meals that have been brought over and thank our friends and family for the great food! We have truly been blessed by the generosity of you all; through cards, gifts, food, a call, a hug, your prayers, . . . THANK YOU!!!!!


That Ashley stays healthy as her blood counts will drop low.

That God would continue to give us peace.

On weekends, pray that Ashley can willingly take her meds (SEPTRA to prevent infection)

That God would be glorified in this.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Meals for the Kroeker family...

Hey everyone! I, Crystal Nachtigall, am scheduling meals for the Kroeker family and would love your help! If you haven't signed up for a day already, please e-mail or call me. Thank you so much for your generosity!
The Kroekers are so grateful to everyone who wants to bring yummy meals! They have to be extra careful with the food they eat and they really appreciate your help. Please remember to wash the fruits, vegetables, and lettuce thoroughly. Make sure all meat is fresh, defrosted in the fridge, and cooked completely. Cutting boards, knives, and cooking utensils also must be cleaned carefully and often during cooking. If you or someone in your home is sick, e-mail me so we can reschedule your meal. Unfortunately, they can't have any crock-pot meals, fast food, junk food, hot dogs, etc. But they LOVE home-cooked meals fresh from the kitchens of their wonderful friends! Thanks for your help!

-Crystal Nachtigall-

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Chemotherapy has begun!

Ashley received her first treatment of Chemotherapy on Sunday, July 31! The treatment went very well with no side affects! Praise God! She received her second dose of Chemotherapy today, August 2. When Ashley had her surgery to remove her kidney and the Wilm's tumor, the doctors also put in a Mediport in her right upper chest, for easy IV access for Chemotherapy, which worked very well! Yeah! Thank you for your prayers!

Radiation Treatment Begins!

Tomorrow, August 3, Ashley will be starting her Radiation Treatments. They are radiating her abdomen, so pray for protection for the surrounding organs. The treatments are scheduled for the next 7 days excluding Saturday & Sunday. Keep her in your prayers!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Pictures of Ashley...

These are all pictures taken in the last few months.

Ashley, Cade, and Megan (The Kroeker Kids, brother and sister)
Ashley in the garden. (6/06)
Ashley loves the beach. (7/06)
Megan, Cade, and Ashley at cousin Stephanie's wedding. (3/06)
Cousin Madison, Ashley, and Megan (sister) swimming at the Berg's House.