Lower Counts This Week
On Wednesday, Ashley went in for her weekly chemo (vincristine) and bloodwork. Ashley is getting better at being "poked" for her treatments in her metaport. Nurse Joan said she was very brave this time. Her white blood cell count and ANC were both very low, but this was what the doctor told us would happen after last week's DOX-O treatment. The risk of infection increases when her counts are low, so she isn't supposed to be around anyone who is sick. Unfortunately, Tad came down with a cold on Wednesday, so he has been quarantined to our bedroom. Please ask God to keep Ashley well and infection free. That He may protect her body from the bacteria that is everywhere. We are also praying that Tad's cold will be over soon. It has been difficult not having Daddy around to play with . . . which makes a long day for me (Jenny). Ask God to give Jenny extra patience and creativity on these days.
We also want to praise God for the good days we've had and for His answered prayers. In fact, we were reminded by Megan today, that Megan had been praying for a few weeks that Ashley's hair wouldn't fall out before Megan's 7th birthday party. Well, her party was tonight and Ashley still has a full head of hair. (Remember, the doctors told us that it should have fallen out last week- 3 weeks after 1st chemo treatment.) What a great reminder that God calls us to have faith like a child. God is good.
Thanks for praying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At 11:03 PM, Jamie said…
Glad to hear she is getting used to getting "poked"...Isaac hasn't cried the last three times he's gone in for his usual blood work-up at the hospital...they do get used to it, learning that it'll just make it worse to fuss. I (Jamie) will be praying for you, Jenny, with your patience and creativity on the days home with Ashley. Since Audrey is the same age, I will have her help me make a craft kit for you to do with Ashley when you get stumped...hopefully we can drop it by in a week or two if we all stay healthy (Isaac had a fever this week). I'll call after we get it together to arrange a good time. Love, the Macks
At 10:49 PM, Anonymous said…
Hey guys! We are praying for health and a fun ideas this week! Jenny hang in there, you are doing a fabulous job! Sorry we couldn't be there but the boys were sick. Love you lots and will come soon. Love Uncle Paul, Aunt Annie and Jaden
At 12:01 PM, Anonymous said…
I'm so glad you have this blog so we can know how to pray.
Ed & Eileen Isaac
At 8:53 PM, Anonymous said…
Hi Guys and Gals
We gathered a whole bunce more people to pray for all of your family. Ashley make sure that Daddy takes his medicine too! We want all to be well and be able to have a great time when you are home together. We look forward to seeing all of you this weekend. Grandma and I are trying to be very careful to not get any colds. We love you Ashley and are so proud of the way you are taking the medicine and the treatments. Hope all goes well on wednesday with you visit to the Doctor.
Grandpa K
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