Princess Ashley Kroeker

Hey everyone! This is Ashley Kroeker's blog site. We are excited to be able to keep everyone who is supporting and praying for Ashley up-to-date. We are thankful for all of your prayers, love, and concern. We love you all, Tad & Jenny, Megan & Cade Kroeker.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

She's Got Energy!!

Ashley has had a great week. She has had so much energy and has wanted to play, play, play!
It is so neat to see her dancing, laughing, eating well, singing, and so full of excitement.

Ashley's weekly chemo went well today. She gained a pound this week! Her counts also look pretty good. Her red blood cell count and hemoglobin are still a little low, but not low enough for a transfusion. Please continue to pray that the RBC and hemoglobin go up. Ashley was very brave today, even with a different nurse and doctor. We are so proud of her. We thank God for giving her strength and courage.

Next Wednesday is another BIG chemo day. She will receive DOX-O and VCR. Please pray for Ashley next Wednesday, September 27. Pray that she will have minimal side effects from this treatment.

We are still taking life one day at a time which has been a good life lesson for us. Instead of worrying about our days, God is showing us that by handing Him our worries, He is faithful to give us His peace. Since Tad and I are typically overplanners, we never thought that we would get adjusted to staying home, not going out to eat, and not being involved in everything. We still get "stir crazy" and sometimes we get overwhelmed, but we are getting to know our kids better than ever before and are getting closer as a family. We are also noticing, that by slowing down we take the time to talk to God more and rely on Him and His promises. We realize that no one knows what tomorrow may bring, so we should live each day instead of just getting through each day.

Thanks for praying for us!


  • At 9:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Ashley girl!! It is soooo good to hear you are doing well! We are still trying to make it down there to see you all. We have to wait till everyone is well which is hard in this school season. We don't want to get you sick! Love you and will talk soon.
    Love Uncle Paul, Aunt Annie and Jaden

  • At 6:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Ashley and Family,
    We just found out about your personal site and really enjoyed seeing your beautiful pictures and hearing about how well you are doing. We pray for you every day and will especially lift you up on Wednesday. We love you...God Bless

  • At 11:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Tad & Jenny,
    I pray for Ashley and your family often when I see the picture of the kids on my office wall. Jenny, your weekly reports are a great way for me to pray for specific needs. Thanks for putting together such a informative site.
    My heart is with you all!

    Robert Mueller


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